sta napravit ni sam neznam cijena novog uredaja je 950usd naravno u usa
pa prenosin u cijelosti (kako sam u guzvi nisam uspio odgovorit)
ne shvacam zasto im za taj problem ne pise na sluzbenim stranicama]
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:27 AM
To: Cc: 'Stephen Burney';
Subject: FW: Lowrance HDS7
Poštovani g.
Vas uredjaj smo u mogucnosti odblokirati!
Cijena unbock-a je 4150kn + PDV.
Description RRP€
Level 1 Unlock (HDS 5) €250
Level 2 Unlock (HDS 7) €550
Level 3 Unlock (HDS 8) €650
Level 4 Unlock (HDS 10) €750
Srdacan pozdrav,
From: Stephen Burney []
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 2:31 PM
Subject: FW: Lowrance HDS7
Can you assist?
More details to follow
Stephen Burney| Technical Sales Engineer | NAVICO
From: Peter Sanderson On Behalf Of Service UK
Sent: 28 April 2011 13:10
To: Stephen Burney
Subject: FW: Lowrance HDS7
Sent: 28 April 2011 11:10
To: Service UK
Subject: Lowrance HDS7
Dear Sir
My name is
3 months ago I bought a new Lawrence HDS7 combo unit with thru hull transducer and BR24 broad band radar in USA (Bass Proo shop).
After installation of the unit on my boat I received a problem with a warning message #unit is not for use in this area# + all units became imperial (in US all units was working that is I could select what unit I wanted)
Is it possible to unblock HDS7 so that this unit is good for my area (I will cover any costs incurred)?
The Official agent in Croatia is “Meridian project” They do not have the correct equipments to do this job when I last spoke to them
Thanks in advance