maestral je napisao/la:probaj staviti njihovu sondu samo 50/200 khz, ja je imam i stavrno sam zadovoljan, imam poprilicno jasnu sliku sto je doli

Nece nista dobiti,ionako svi drze na 200khz radi kvalitete slike,ove od 50khz imaju samo veci domet,i deklarirane su za more bas radi dometa,a kut im je isti
Typically, high frequency (200 or 192 kHz) sonar units provide the best resolution and definition of structure and targets. They excel at showing minute details of the underwater world. 50 and 83 kHz frequencies have much greater depth penetration capability, but show less definition.
Cone Angle
A transducer's cone angle determines its coverage area of the underwater world. The wider the cone angle, the greater the area that's covered. We offer a variety of 200 kHz transducers with either a wide (20°) or narrow (12°) cone angle. The 50 kHz transducers come with a 35° cone angle.
The dual-frequency transducers come with both a narrow (12°) 200 kHz and a wide (35°) 50 kHz cone angles. And the dual-search transducers come with both a narrow (12°) 200 kHz and a wide (35°) 83 kHz cone angles.